Hello, everyone! We have some exciting news to share with all of you.

Dining In At Eateries Are On Track To Continue

According to Multi-ministry Taskforce (MTF) during the press conference on 10th June, dining in at eateries will be continued by the end of June. Dining in has stopped during Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) that was previously declared on 16th May. The measure was supposed to slow down the rising numbers within the community. After one month of staying home, dining in will be allowed again as long as the cases remained under control.


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Based on Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong, dining in is allowed at later date to ensure that the situation remains stable. Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong mentioned that he comprehends the disappointment of eatery owners and operated. He further added that he hopes all eateries will follow the protocols and layouts that are aligned with the new distancing measures.


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In addition, the social gathering cap will increase from 14th June onwards. From that date onwards, up to five people are now allowed. Hence, it is important for eateries owners to take note of safe distancing. Within this period, the government will also take firmer actions against those who are breaching the protocols. With that said, remember to put your masks on at all times, unless you’re eating!


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Last but not the least, all staff who are working in the dine-in eateries are required to be placed on a regular Fast and Easy Testing (FET) regime. No matter the vaccination status, antigen rapid tests (ART) are required. It will kickstart in larger establishments, and it will be extended to smaller establishments later. This will start in July 2021, and more information will be provided later.

Starting From 21st June 2021 Onwards

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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Cover Photo: @joannayeo (Instagram).


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The post Dining In To Resume in Singapore From 21st June 2021 Onwards appeared first on Singapore Foodie.

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