We love desserts, especially when it is cheap! Believe it or not, some traditional Chinese desserts are believed to be nourishing to the body, thanks to the ingredients used such as red beans, gingko, and nuts! Hence, save some space in the tummy for some after a meal. Where should you go for some? Well, here’s a list of traditional Chinese desserts. But, you will need to go to Albert Centre for Tau Suan!

Rare Tau Suan Made With Split Mung Beans & You Tiao


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Tucked in Albert Centre, there’s a humble dessert stall that offers traditional Chinese desserts. With its simple hawker setting, all the prices are affordable, with nothing more than $2 on the bestselling menu. Zheng Xing Mei Shi offers a good variety of Chinese desserts, ranging from Green Bean with Sago to Pulut Hitam. We are here to introduce a rare dessert, Tau Suan!


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Tau Suan is made with split mung beans, and it is topped off with some fried dough fritters, commonly known as you tiao. Similar to some Chinese desserts such as Pulut Hitam, it has a starchy texture. Do take note that this is not the only place that offers Tau Suan, but it is one of the best. Many netizens commented that Zheng Xing Mei Shi is very generous with its ingredients.


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Priced at $1.60 each, the sweet yet starchy split mung bean soup works well with the salty and savoury you tiao. If you have yet to try out this Chinese dessert, it is definitely one on the list. While Tau Suan is the star of the show, do venture out to other types of desserts available. Specialised in hot desserts, Zheng Xing Mei Shi will keep you warm during rainy days!

Find It At Zheng Xing Mei Shi At Albert Centre

Address: 269 Waterloo St, Singapore

Operating Hours: Daily except for Monday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Cover Photo: @baoz79 (Instagram), @travellingfoodmonster (Instagram).

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