Golden Mile is truly a treasure trove to a plethora of scrumptious food. With such a wide variety of amazing stalls to choose from, it’s safe to say that you might have been spoiled for choice on a few occasions. Well, worry no more because we’re here to help you out! Introducing the ten best street food you must try at Golden Mile Food Centre! With so much scrumptious food to introduce, let’s get this list started!

10 Must-Try Street Food At Golden Mile

1. Wen Kang Ji (Wanton Noodles)

Photo: Andrew Ong (Facebook)


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Despite only opening for a few months, Wen Kang Ji has already garnered quite a reputation among the wonton mee connoisseurs. Their noodles are a mixture between thin crystal noodles and slightly thicker ramen noodles, making them feel more substantial. The noodles are firm and have the QQ texture we all love from perfectly cooked noodles.

The sauce is packed with flavour, with savoury notes of the soya sauce, and a sweet-sour taste from the green chillis. Deep-fried lard is topped off for more umami and crunch. The star of the dish is truly the Char Siew, with a perfect fat to lean meat ratio, that’s at the same time, moist and succulent. Perfectly charred, with bitterness and smokiness complementing the sweetness of the char siew. Additionally, the char siew is roasted in-house every day and they will call it a day once it’s sold out so do go down early to not miss out!

Address: 505 Beach Road, #B1-29, Golden Mile Food Centre, Singapore 199583

Opening hours: Mon to Sat, 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

2. Chung Cheng Chilli Mee

Photo: Philip Wong (Facebook)

Chung Cheng has currently achieved “Michelin Plate” status in the Singapore Michelin Guide 2019. This is in recognition for eateries that have yet to earn their Bid Gourmand or Michelin Star. Don’t worry, this doesn’t disparage the fact that Chung Cheng still serves one tasty bowl of Chilli Mee. This is a dish that’s definitely still worth trying!

Image:@walletonlyfivedollars (Instagram)

After your noodles are cooked, a generous amount of chilli sauce is scooped and your noodles are simply drowned in it. Secret spices are added, making the chilli sauce one of a kind! With the chilli being more on the savoury side, it doesn’t overpower the taste of the ingredients.

The pork ribs are fall-off-the-bone tender and every bite has an explosion of flavour. The pork is marinated with 13 special spices and slow-cooked for several hours. For the soup, you might be thinking it’ll probably taste like the one you get with prawn mee. Instead, it has a rich herbal sweetness with hints of pepper. Definitely a must-try dish!

Address: 505 Beach Rd, #01-59, Singapore 199583

Operating Hours: Daily, except for Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

3. Ashes Burnnit (Gourmet Burgers)


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Fun fact, Ashes Burnnit actually occupies the same location as where Burgs by Project Warung previously was! The Muslim-owned stall not only serves scrumptious but affordable burgers as well! For the truffle lovers, the Truffle Mushroom Burger ($8) is certain to hit the spot! The juicy beef patties are flavourful and grilled to perfection. Combined with the American cheese, sautéd mushrooms, and truffle cream sauce, every bite is an explosion of flavours!


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If you’re looking for something classic, the Ashes Smash Cheese Burger ($5.90) is perfect for all you cheese lovers! The juicy beef burger is served with a generous amount of perfectly melted cheese. Served with fries, even they taste amazing! They’re super crispy and well-seasoned, the perfect pairing for your delicious burgers! Definitely a go-to place for all you burger lovers!

Address:  505 Beach Rd, #B1-24, Singapore 199583

Operating Hours: Daily, 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

4. Da Po Curry Chicken Noodles


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Da Po was recently awarded the “Divine” rating in the Makansutra guide this year. The curry is super lemak, leaving you wanting more just after one sip! This scrumptious dish is served with thick rice vermicelli and yellow noodles, accompanied by various types of toppings such as chicken, potatoes, fishcake, tau pok and pig skin.

The poached chicken is extremely tender and the curry has the perfect amount of kick to it. Perfect for spice lovers! You can even add more chilli if you don’t find it spicy enough! The tau pok and pig skin soak up the curry perfectly, giving every bite that delicious curry flavour!

Address: 505 Beach Rd, #B1-53 Golden Mile Food Centre, Singapore 199583

Operating Hours: Daily except for Monday, 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

5. Golden Mile Seafood Soup (Seafood Maggie Mee)

Photo: Singapore Foodie

This stall has been in business since 1975 and continues to serve up delicious fish and seafood soups to customers to this day. The current owner Ms Alice Chew, starts preparing the dishes as early as 7.30am, with the broth taking at least two hours to boil. With every sip, you can definitely taste the amount of preparation that went into making this delicious broth!

Image: Singapore Foodie

The Seafood Maggie Mee is currently an off-the-menu item, and you will have to request it from the owner as you won’t find it on the menu. The seafood broth is simply amazing. It’s super flavourful, with the clam taste being prominent, yet without overpowering the other flavours. Every sip is simply an explosion of umami! The maggie is springy and soaks up all that seafood goodness from the broth. Additionally, the prawn is sweet and fresh, as well as the fish and clams.

The chilli is thicker than your usual fish soup chilli and is a whole lot spicier. The spice only kicks in after a while and it even continues to linger! It is the perfect pairing with the seafood, and you can even add it into your soup for added flavour and heat. Simply delicious and a definite must-try!

Address: 505 Beach Road, Golden Mile Hawker Centre, B1-40, Singapore S190005

Operating Hours: Daily, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

6. 91 Fried Kway Teow Mee

Photo:@yazkuro (Instagram)

91 Fried Kway Teow Mee has attained numerous local food awards and was even featured in the Michelin Guide Singapore in 2016. It probably explains why they’re one of the most popular stalls in the hawker centre! Known for their healthier version of char kway teow, the dish is cooked without any pork or lard and is instead topped with generous amounts of chye sim. Perfect for the more health-conscious individuals!

Image:@thedeadcockroach (Instagram)

The char kway teow is fried with a special broth that takes at least 10 hours to prepare, giving every bite a perfect blend of sweet and savoury at the same time. The most important component of char kway teow is definitely the wok hei and this one does not disappoint! The wok hei is savoured with every bite, making it simply delicious! What’s unique is that ikan billis is also added, giving the dish a pleasant crunch and added umami! Definitely a must-try dish!

Address: 505 Beach Rd, #01-91, Singapore 199583

Operating Hours: Daily, except for Mon, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

7. YouFu Fried Hokkien Prawn Noodle

Photo:@foodluvinggal (Instagram)
Image:@princesspinky89 (Instagram)

This stall gained social media attention when the chef was spotted to be a 21-year-old hawker! Describe by the chef as “carbonara” style, the Hokkien Mee served here is in between the wet and dry version. With the options to choose between the thick or thin vermicelli, it is recommended to go with the latter. The thin noodles will do a better job of soaking up the broth, giving more flavour! The noodles here are cooked well and every bite is a burst of seafood flavour mixed with the intense smokiness from the wok hei. Simply delicious! Served with a generous amount of squid and prawns, it’s definitely worth every dollar you’re paying for! A must-try for all you Hokkien Mee lovers!

Address: 505 Beach Rd, #01-57, Singapore 199583

Operating Hours: Daily, except for Mon, 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

8. Ah Xiao Teochew Braised Duck (Braised Duck Rice)

Photo:@missyglutton (Instagram)
Image:@fongelise (Instagram)

This stall’s traditional duck rice is certain to hit the spot! Opened by Mr Peh Thiam Ting, Ah Xiao Teochew Braised Duck has been serving up authentic Teochew-style braised duck since the 1990s. The stall now is currently run by second-generation owners. The Signature Braised Duck Rice is prepared with simple and traditional flavours, giving you a taste of nostalgia with every bite.

The gravy doused over the rice adds a nice touch of sweetness to it. The succulent duck slices are drenched in the gravy as well, making you salivate just at the sheer sight of them! Do have a taste of their in-house chilli for the perfect pairing with your duck rice! Made with a mixture of vinegar, garlic, and chilli padi, what you get is a delicious chilli that hits you with the perfect balance of spice and tang! Feel free to add the braised egg and tau kwa to zhng up your dish!

Address:  505 Beach Road, Golden Mile Food Centre #B1-43 Singapore 199583

Operating Hours: Tues, Wed, Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Sat & Sun, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

9. Yew Chuan Claypot Rice

Photo:@pleasuresoffood (Instagram)

With close to over 40 years in business, Yew Chuan Claypot Rice continues to serve up scrumptious claypot rice to patrons at Golden Mile. Be prepared to wait at least thirty minutes as the stall prepares the claypot rice fresh on order. Don’t worry you won’t be disappointed with the wait! Prices here range from $5.50 to $28, perfect for individual diners or for those in groups.


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The Claypot Rice comes with fluffy fragrant rice, tender marinated chicken, heavenly slices of lup cheong, vegetables and salted fish. Mix it up with the black sweet sauce and sweet chilli sauce, and you’ll get a seriously delicious and addictive dish! The rice pairs perfectly with the savouriness of the chicken and lup cheong, making every bite a burst of flavours! Definitely a must-try dish!

Address: 505 Beach Road, #01-73 Golden Mile Food Centre, 199583

Operating Hours: Tues, Wed, Fri, 12:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Sat & Sun, 3:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

10. Keng Heng Whampoa Teo Chew Lor Mee


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This Lor Mee stall is so popular, snaking long queues are an everyday occurrence for them! This scrumptious bowl of Lor Mee is served with a luscious gravy that coats every strand of noodle with its starchy goodness. The gravy has a slight sweetness to it and you can add your own crushed garlic and black vinegar to suit your preference. It is highly recommended to add them in as it helps to lift the dish and it adds another dimension of flavour! Loaded with generous amounts of ingredients like tender pork belly, crispy fish skin, fried wanton, ngoh hiang, and fishcake, this dish is worth every dollar! Do be sure to arrive early as they are usually sold out by mid-afternoon!

Address: 505 Beach Road, #01-73 Golden Mile Food Centre, 199583

Operating Hours: Daily, except for Sun, 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Try These Delicious Food At Golden Mile Today!

What are you waiting for? Hurry and try all these popular stalls today!

Cover Photo: @yazkuro (Instagram), @druss_thelegend (Instagram), @tanchiguy (Instagram)

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The post 10 Best Street Food You Must Try At Golden Mile Food Centre! appeared first on Singapore Foodie.

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