
吃烤鱼不知道要搭配什么?那一定要试试我们新上市的川香辣子鸡 干锅有机花菜

趁着现在半价优惠,赶紧把这两款干锅都安排上,和朋友家人一起分享‼ 想下单的鱼粉们可以在 Inline、Grab、FoodPanda、Easi、Deliveroo 和唐人街外卖找到这个优惠哦~

P./S.: 优惠仅限8月12日至9月12日

TANYU Dry Pot is now on 50% OFF for delivery‼

Struggling to decide what pairs best with your grilled fish? You must try our new Sichuan Spicy Chicken Dry Pot Organic Cauliflower

With this 50% off discount, it’s the perfect chance to enjoy both dry pots with your friends and family‼ Faster grab this offer on Inline, Grab, FoodPanda, Easi, Deliveroo, and Chinatown delivery platform~

P./S.: The offer is available from 12 August to 12 September only

  • Valid for delivery.

No Coupon/Promo code needed.
Sourced from TANYU.